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Mascara kit: the top Things to Remember while Buying one

Mascara kit: the top Things to Remember while Buying one

No matter what the occasion is, eye makeup is perhaps the most important step in getting a glam look. If one notices the celebrities carefully, one can see that their eyes are highlighted and made prominent more as compared to other parts of the face. “Eyes speak volumes” and to make that happen, one needs to have the best mascara and the kit.

However, with so many options now available in the market, choosing the best kit can be overwhelming. And it won’t be in a good way. Besides, one cannot risk getting the wrong kit because the beauty of the eyes will depend on the kit’s quality and choice.

So, for selecting the best mascara kit, one needs to follow certain guidelines. Having said that, a few basic rules will be explained further in the upcoming discussion to help one choose the most appropriate kit.

Learning About the Lash Type and Features

First, one needs to learn about the lash types. Some women have long lashes while some have short. One can even find women with naturally thick eyelashes but with short lengths. Several combinations are there and if one starts the counting now, it will take ages to list the different combinations. That’s why it’s better to know the features which define the type of eyelash one has.

Finding the Most Suitable Mascara Brand

After finding out the types of natural lashes, it’s time to work on the brands. Several makeup companies have introduced special mascara kit packages. Some are for party makeup while others are for bridal collections. Based on the reputation of the brand, one has to shortlist the kit names. Besides, one also needs to remember the purpose for which the kit is required. The purpose will define which brand is the most appropriate for the mascara package.

Listing the Components Needed in the kit

In the third step, one has to list the components needed in the kit package. In some kits, there are only mascara tubes of different colors. On the other hand, some kits will have mascara having different wands. Eyelash extensions are also available in many packages. So, based on the makeup requirements, the names should be shortlisted according to the components present in each kit.

Choosing the Colors of Mascara

The next task is to look for the best colors of mascara. The most popular color options one can find in the market are black, emerald, shimmering blue, royal blue, purple, baby pink, and even white. One can also find matte mascaras and glossy ones with shimmering tones. While choosing the mascara kit, one needs to pick out the best colors. So, it’s ideal to look for customized kits where one will be allowed to pick out the colors and shades.

Selecting the Wand Types of the Eye Makeup

Lastly, one needs to select the wand-type. Different wands have been introduced to the market based on the final finish. For example, the full wands are used for giving more volume to the lashes while the slender and skinny wands are for lengthening the lashes. Curved wands are also available for those wanting to curl the lashes. The ball-tipped wands are used mainly for defining the lashes and making them more prominent.


Getting the best kit with different types of mascara is important. The above-discussed tips will definitely come out to be helpful if followed properly. After all, no one would like to create a massacre with the lashes by choosing the kit in haste.

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